Thursday, February 23, 2012

Signs of Spring

It is late February but it did feel like Spring yesterday when I was out in the garden doing yard work. Really too early to uncover and remove some leaves, but somethings are popping up. The snowdrops are always so delicate that I have missed them in years past. Today they and the hellebore were their usual shy self. Took a picture with my digital from underneath the hellebore.Beautiful but shy .

Per Wikipedia posting

Several legends surround the hellebore; in witchcraft it is believed to have ties to summoning demons. Helleborus niger is commonly called the Christmas rose, due to an old legend that it sprouted in the snow from the tears of a young girl who had no gift to give the Christ child in Bethlehem.

In Greek mythology, Melampus of Pylos used hellebore to save the daughters of the king of Argos from a madness, induced by Dionysus, that caused them to run naked through the city, crying, weeping, and screaming.

1 comment:

Vincenzo said...

Good Luck w/ the blog Chris. My nephew has one too and its great to see his thoughts. Love your photos also. Feeling some spring fever here too lately.
Thanks for sharing, Vince